About Albufeira - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Albufeira recieved a rating of 3.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Albufeira, Algarve Region
Albufeira is a town in Portugal, the center of the municipality with the same name. It is an important tourist destination due to its location in the coastal area. The city has a population of 13,646 inhabitants and is situated 250 km from Lisbon and is close to Castle Paderne. Albufeira is one of the main tourist resorts in the area with facilities including a yacht marina, coves and numerous hotels, restaurants and bars to the annual inflow of tourists.
The city became a tourist center in the '60s and since then has grown on the surrounding hills, today reaching an accommodation capacity have enough to wait for the 5 million tourists here every year.
Areas of interest are divided into two categories. The first is Areias de São João, in the area known as "The Strip", area-oriented nightlife with many clubs, bars and discos and a second outdoor area, Old Town, centered on the old city where tradition remains Arabic architecture where possible.
Tourism and trade are the main activities in Albufeira, most tourists arriving here through Faro airport. Tourists can find here restaurants and bars specific inteaga world, ranging from traditional Portuguese restaurants to Irish pubs.
Albufeira | Albufeira is a town in Portugal, the center of the municipality with the same name. It is an important tourist destination due to its location in the coastal area. The city has a population of 13,646 inhabitants and is situated 250 km from Lisbon and is
close to Castle Paderne
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