About Costa de Caparica - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Costa De Caparica recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Costa de Caparica, Lisboa Region
The territory was part of the Caprician parish until 1926, before becoming a Trafaria enclave until 1949. The urban agglomeration was classified as a city on July 9, 1985 and elevated to city status on December 9, 2004. Located on the western coast of the Peninsula. Setúbal, the territory is the result of the withdrawal of the ocean, covering an area of 10.18 km². The space is a large beach that results from the gradual decline from east to sea. Its coastal range is the largest beach in Portugal, with a range of about 30 kilometers, from the left edge of the Tagus River to the Albufeira estuary. Popular in summer, with tourists and local visitors, the beaches have suffered erosion in recent years; several levels of the Portuguese government have taken steps to reduce these patterns, but erosion has continued at many of the beaches closest to Tagus mouth.
Costa de Caparica | Costa de Caparica is a Portuguese city, located in the municipality of Almada along the west coast of the Setúbal district. In 2011 the population was 13,418 inhabitants, with an area of 10.18 km². Since December 2004, Costa de Caparica has been designated
a city in Portugal's urban hierarchy
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