About Estoril - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Estoril recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Estoril, Cascais
Estoril is a seaside resort town and a parish of the Portuguese municipality of Cascais. Estoril coast area is appropriated from Lisbon, the capital. Start at the Carcavelos area, 15 km from Lisbon and stretches up to Guincho, often known as the Estoril Coast, Sintra and Lisbon Coast. The old city was composed of several districts along the coast, called East to West: São Pedro do Estoril, São João do Estoril, Estoril and Monte Santo António do Estoril, along with several other neighborhoods inland.
The two large springs that represent what are Estoril and Cascais Estoril Coast. Estoril has a famous casino, Casino Estoril, and was home to Juan de Borbón, pretender to the throne of Spain in the late 20th century. Population of the town at the last census was 23,769 inhabitants with a density of 2702 inhabitants per square km. Here you can find remains of Roman houses dating from 2000 years ago.
Between Estoril and Cascais is located on a hilltop settlement gorgeous Monte Estoril. The location has been determined that Jorge O'Neil, in 1917 and hosts Verdades-Faria Museum of Art.
Estoril is located in an important sports club Grupo Desportivo Estoril-Praia speed and a well-known circuit that hosts the annual world championships in various competitions and championships and other smaller events that are designed to gather hundreds of thousands of tourists.
Estoril | Estoril is a seaside resort town and a parish of the Portuguese municipality of Cascais. Estoril coast area is appropriated from Lisbon, the capital. Start at the Carcavelos area, 15 km from Lisbon and stretches up to Guincho, often known as the Estoril
Coast, Sintra and Lisbon Coast
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