About Fatima - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Fatima recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Fatima, Centro Region
Fatima is a town in Portugal famous for sightings of religious figures reported here in 1917. The city has a population of 7756 inhabitants and is located in the municipality Ourém, Centro region, Medio Tejo subregion. It is located in the district of Santarem and Leiriei included in urban agglomeration in central Portugal 187 km south of Porto and 123 km north of Lisbon.
Name the city that was once just a small village, comes from the Arabic name Fatima. As is noted in his "Chronicle Cister" a 16th century monk named Bernardo de Brito, the town was originally called by the name of a Berber princess who after his capture by Christian forces, converted to Catholicism and was baptized before married to the Earl of Ourém in 1158.
Fatima is famous for the shrine and called Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, built to commemorate the events of 1917 when three peasant children claimed to have seen Feciara Fatima.
City's economy is based on religious tourism. Fatima attracts many faithful visitors from around the world, especially during the pilgrimage and the church was designed properly to receive a large number of people. In the city there are a large number of shops and boutiques that sell religious objects and on the streets find many hotels, hostels and restaurants.
Fatima Church attracts a large number of faithful Catholics, they filling the streets annually, every pilgrim, with over 1 million on 13 May and 13 October, significant data for the Virgin of Fatima apparitions.
Fatima | Fatima is a town in Portugal famous for sightings of religious figures reported here in 1917. The city has a population of 7756 inhabitants and is located in the municipality Ourém, Centro region, Medio Tejo subregion
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