About Lagos - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Lagos recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Lagos, Algarve Region
Lagos is a town and a municipality located at the mouth of the river and stretches along Bensafrim Atlantic Ocean coastline in the Algarve region. Approximate Town in Lagos has a population 19,000 inhabitants and is a historic tourist town and Portugal. Most of the population lives along the coastline and working in tourism and services. Inner region is relatively sparsely populated, most people working in agriculture and forestry.
Lagos is one of the most visited cities in the Algarve region of Portugal and, thanks to a wide variety of beaches, bars, clubs, restaurants and hotels. It is also known for its nightlife and parties taking place here, especially during summer. Lately, some locals have expressed concern about the two radar antennas that are to be installed here, so in their opinion having a negative effect on tourism in the area.
Lagos city's economy, as in other cities and the coast of Portugal, has always been instransa about ocean and beaches and fishing was an important activity since ancient times.
Lagos | Lagos is a town and a municipality located at the mouth of the river and stretches along Bensafrim Atlantic Ocean coastline in the Algarve region. Approximate Town in Lagos has a population 19,000 inhabitants and is a historic tourist town and Portugal
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