About Madeira All Locations - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Madeira recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Madeira All Locations, Madeira
Madeira (Madeira Portuguese, meaning wood) is a group of Portuguese islands in the North Atlantic. Consisting of two inhabited islands (Madeira and Porto Santo) and three uninhabited islands, forming together with Selvagens Ilhas (Islands Wild) Autonomous Region with its capital in Funchal Madeira. The archipelago is located about 580 km from the African coast and 860 km from Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. Madeira constitutuie an outermost region of the European Union.
Islands were formerly known Al Aghnam ("Islands of small animals"). Following a storm in 1418, reaching the Portuguese navigators João Gonçalves Zarco islands and Tristão Vaz Teixeira. The big Island, bearing that name, was originally covered by mature woodland, which were cleared and burned to make way for plantations and cereal crops. Gonçalves, who founded the port city of Funchal, Santa Clara is buried in the cathedral of that city. Christopher Columbus lived on the island of Porto Santo for 12 years before leaving for his historic travels overseas. Islands have been temporarily under the English occupation in 1801 and between 1802-1814.
Madeira is part of the Macaronesian Archipelago, a region of Original volcanic islands with Cape Verde, the Azores and Canary Selvagens. The largest island of the archipelago, Madeira, with an area of 741 km ², has a predominantly mountainous with a maximum height of 1861 m (top of Pico Ruivo). North shore is steep and wild.
Geographical location and mountainous topography causes a mild climate with average temperatures ranging between 22 ° C 16 ° C in summer and winter. Subtropical climate is favorable for vine crops (with the famous Madeira wine), sugar cane, bananas, oranges, lemons.
Funchal, Madeira's largest city, is located on the main island's southern coast at latitude 32 ° 37'45 16 ° 55'20 latitude and longitude. In addition there are a few other capital cities, namely Porto Santo, Machico, Câmara de Lobos, Santa Cruz das Flores and Santana.
Forest laurel (bay) "Laurisilva" on the island of Madeira in 1999, was included on the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List of UNESCO.
Madeira Islands archipelago, famous for their Madeira wine, as well as subtropical vegetation and fruits.
Population of 250,000 inhabitants (estimated 1991), of Portuguese origin, is engaged in agriculture, fisheries and tourism. Population density is 337 inhabitants / km ². The Portuguese who colonized the islands came, for the most part, the regions of Algarve and Miño.
Madeira All Locations | Madeira (Madeira Portuguese, meaning wood) is a group of Portuguese islands in the North Atlantic. Consisting of two inhabited islands (Madeira and Porto Santo) and three uninhabited islands, forming together with Selvagens Ilhas (Islands Wild) Autonomous
Region with its capital in Funchal Madeira
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