About Portimao - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Portimao recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Portimao, Algarve Region
Portimao is a Portuguese city located in the district of Faro, Algarve region of Portugal's southern coast, which was formerly known as Vila Nova de Portimão. He was appointed to the city title in 1924 and has since become known as Portimao. The city has a population of 41,000 inhabitants and with Faro, are the most populated cities in the Algarve region.
Portimao is known for sporting events that take place here. During the summer soccer tournament is taking place here on the beach, better known as the Praia de Futebol Mundialito. Here is the Dakar Rally route and when it was held in Europe and numerous motor racing circuit hosting Portimao. The city is known for surfing competitions, kitesurfing, sailing and powerboat that takes place here.
The area is a perfection point for exploring the Algarve region, a region unique in its diversity. Coast contains sandy beaches, magnificent, colorful rock formations, caves and protected nature reserves.
The southern coast, developed for tourism, has a wide range of daytime activities and a vibrant nightlife, offers multiple ways of spending time.
Summer is by far the busiest period in Portimao but warmer winter days and attract visitors eager to explore and visit places of interest.
Portimao | Portimao is a Portuguese city located in the district of Faro, Algarve region of Portugal's southern coast, which was formerly known as Vila Nova de Portimão. He was appointed to the city title in 1924 and has since become known as Portimao
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