About Setubal - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Setubal recieved a rating of 4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Setubal, Lisboa Region
Setubal is located about 40 kilometers south of Lisbon, and is one of the most important ports in Portugal.
Setubal is an ancient settlement whose origins float in an air of legend. It is marked by the remnants of a rich historical past, being marked by architectural landmarks such as the magnificent Church of Jesus dating from the fifteenth century, a Manuelan-style jewel that impresses with interior and exterior decorative merits. In terms of places of worship, the Church of Santa Maria da Graca (dating from the thirteenth century) is also worth a visit.
Tourists can also head to Castelo de Sao Filipe, a 16th century fortress that offers the best panoramic views over the city.
Setubal | Setubal is located approximately 40 kilometers south of Lisbon and is one of the most important ports in Portugal.
Setubal is an ancient settlement whose origins float in an air of legend.
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