About Porto Oporto - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Porto recieved a rating of 4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Porto Oporto, Porto Region
Porto (Portuguese: Porto, population 263,000, with 1,200,000 in the metropolitan area) is the second city in size and importance in Portugal. It is located in the north, north of the Douro River, near the Atlantic coast. Country and Port Wine (Portuguese: vinho do Porto) and took their name from the city of Porto. Porto's residents have told owe, the name which is in use today.
Historical references go up in the fifth century, during the Roman Empire. In the run of Portugal it was called Portus Cale - Harbour of Cale. Surrounding region was therefore named Condado Portucalense. This county became the independent kingdom of Portugal, which has expanded over time to its current frontiers. The city was also the scene of the marriage of João I and Catherine of Lancaster, symbolizing the military alliance that has lasted a long time between Portugal and England, who was the respected, you do not.
Portugal One of the products worldwide is estimated at Porto wine. Its name comes from the fact that he stood in the dark cellars of the city of Porto's sister, Vila Nova de Gaia, across the river at.
Recently (1996), historic (dating from the Middle Ages) entered into the UNESCO world cultural heritage. In 2001 Porto shared the European Capital of Culture with the Dutch city of Rotterdam). Currently the most important development is the subway. Is the most expensive public construction project in Europe, mainly due to the City Ground, which is extremely complex, technical perspective. One consequence is building a new bridge for traffic, and Louis metro bridge dedication.
Porto Oporto | Porto (Portuguese: Porto, population 263,000, with 1,200,000 in the metropolitan area) is the second city in size and importance in Portugal. It is located in the north, north of the Douro River, near the Atlantic coast
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